Thursday 29 June 2017

Nature of Management

Nature of Management

The nature of management is discussed below:

Nature of Management
1. Management is a Human Activity: Management is an activity where human beings plan, implement and control the activities.

2. Management is Needed at all Levels of the Organisation: Various levels where management is required are top-level, middle-level and supervisory-level but there is difference in the nature of the task and scope of authority.

3. Management is a Distinct Entity: The identity of management is quite distinct from its various functional activities, techniques and procedures. It is an error to consider the later as management. A manager is supposed to be more a generalist rather than a specialist.

4. Management is all Pervasive: It is universal process applicable to all kinds of institutions – social, commercial, or political. Management is applicable at all levels of the organisation.

5. Management is a Social Obligation: Management aims at optimum utilization of scares resources of an organisation for the benefit of the community as a whole.

6. Management Deals With Achievement of Predetermined Objectives: Management is a kind of purposive activity. It is goal-oriented. All management activities have to be goal-oriented and result-oriented.

7.Management is a System of Authority:  Management, in reality, is the authority to make and enforce rules. Superiors go on commanding and holding the subordinates responsible for the execution of assigned tasks.

8. Multidisciplinary: Management is basically multidisciplinary. This implies that, although management has been developed as separate discipline, it draws knowledge and concepts from various disciplines. It draws free ideas and concepts from such disciplines as psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, ecology, statistic, operations research, history, etc.

9. Dynamic Nature of Principles: Principle is a fundamental truth which establishes cause and effect relationship of a function. Based on integration and supported by practical evidences, management has framed certain principles.

10. Management as Profession: Management has been regarded as a profession by many, while many have suggested that it has not achieved the status of a profession.

11. Universality of Management: Management is a universal phenomenon. However, management principles are not universally applicable but are to be modified according to the needs of the situation.

12. Management as a Process: Management is a process which consists of functions like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. These functions require specialized knowledge and skills for their efficient performance. They are performed continuously by the managers at all levels in the organisation.

13. Management is both a Science and an Art: Management has organised body of knowledge consisting of well-defined concepts, principles and techniques which have wide applications. So it is treated as a science. The application of these concepts, principles and techniques requires specialized knowledge and skills on the part of the manager. Since the skills acquired by a manager are his personal possession, management is viewed as an art.

14. Management is Intangible:  Management has been called the unseen force. Its presence is evidenced by the result of its efforts – orderliness, informed employees, cheerful spirit and adequate work output. 

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