Sunday 23 July 2017

Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Theory - Fully Explained

Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Theory: There are two types of needs - Basic and Secondary or acquired. Basic needs are important for survival whereas acquired needs are not so important. We know various needs are felt by a man but do not know about their preferential order. Abraham Harold Maslow solved this problem and presented a theory on priority order of needs. Some important prepositions of Maslows's need priority model are as under:

1. Man is wanting animal,
    2. A satisfied need is no longer a motivator, and
    3. Needs have hierarchy of importance.

Maslow has presented the hierarchy of needs in the following order:

Figure: Maslow's hierarchy of Needs Theory

1. Basic Physiological Needs: The needs that are taken as the starting point for motivation theory are the so-called physiological needs. These needs relate to the survival and maintenance of human life. These needs include such things as food, clothing, shelter, air, water and other necessities of life.

2. Safety and Security Needs: After satisfying the physiological needs, people want the assurance of maintaining a given economic level. They want job security, security of source of income, provision for old age, insurance against risks, etc.

3. Social Needs: Man is social being. He is, therefore, interested in conversation, sociability, exchange of feelings and grievances, companionship, recognition, belongingness, etc. Non-satisfaction of this level of needs may affect the mental health of the individual.

4. Esteem Needs or Ego Needs: Egoistic needs can take inward and outward orientations. Inward directed ego needs embrace such things as self-confidence, independence, achievement, competence, knowledge and success. They have to be earned by the individual himself through his intelligence and hardwork. They lead to 'earned recognition' by the society. Outwardly directed ego needs are concerned with prestige, status and other marks of respect because of some position in the organisation or control over economic, social and political power.

5. Self-Actualisation Needs: The final step under the need priority mode is the need for self-fulfillment or the need to fulfill what a person considers to be his mission in life. It involves realising one's potentialities for continued self-development and for being creative in the broadest sense of the work. After his other needs are fulfilled, a man has the desire for personal achievement. He wants to do something which is challenging and since this challenge gives him enough dash and initiative to work, it is beneficial to him in particular and to the society in general. The sense of achievement gives him psychological satisfaction.

Maslow suggested the following points: 

1. There are five levels of needs.
2. All these needs are arranged in a hierarchy.
3. A satisfied need is no longer a need. Once a need or a certain order of need is satisfied it cases to be a motivating factor.
4. Once one level need is satisfied, the next level of need will emerge as the depressed needs seeking to be satisfied.
5. The physiological and security needs are finite but the needs of higher order are infinite and are likely to be dominant in persons at higher levels in the organisation.
6. Maslow suggests that various levels are interdependent and overlapping. Each higher level emerging before the lower level need has been completely satisfied. Even though a need is satisfied it will influence behaviour because of interdependent and overlapping characteristic of needs.

In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Thoey, Maslow has further classified the needs as lower as order needs and higher order needs. First two needs in the hierarchical order are lower needs and resets are higher order needs.

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